Impact Assesment of EDEMCS Beneficiaries
Recently, some members of EDEMCS executives: Anna Aipokhio, Yinka Olayioye and Photographer Austin Obi visited the beneficiaries of the first phase of the business loan project of EDEMCS for an impact assessment on the farmers. The loan was given in January 2016 The loan was given in January 2016 to empower the local women. The principles of participatory action […]
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Community Building through Action Research and Innovation
In February 2016, a group of local women farmers was presented with a cheque of $500 each to support them as they prepare for a new farming season. The money was presented to each farmer as a loan, which will be paid back within 12 months with zero interest. This is a development project initiated […]
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Empowering Local Women Through Microfinancing
Since the inaugural meeting of EDEMCS (Ewu Development and Educational Multipurpose Co-operative Society) took place more than a year has passed. The organization has mastered many stages ranging from the official registration with Edo State, the cultivation of interest and trust in the village up to the engagement of the community. Fortunately, the King of […]
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